Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Paper Reading #7

Adam Friedli
Patrick Frith

Reference Information
Title -  Experience in social affective applications: methodologies and case study
Authors - Paul Andre, m.c. shraefel, Alex Dix, Dyen W. White
CHI 2010

    This article is centered around increasing the quality of life involving social interaction and engagement. The authors in the article discuss the importance of CHI and the details of the new application. meeting social and personal networking with a new design that improves quality of life is the project's overall goal. Healthii is the example discussed by the authors as a method of displays a user's well being using an avatar or a number system. This is based on 4 things: busy, enjoyment, stress and health. Inside of these 4 categories, 3 choices are made: (not, quite, and very) Users are not only able to post current "moods" but can also look at past posts.  They also had a goal to do a case study to see how exactly the participants would use this well-being software

   I really enjoyed reading this article. I can easily see this becoming an integral part of facebook. Because Facebook is becoming less personal, this could add a very good personality aspect to is. I am just curious to see how detailed this avatar would become. I know they mention just 4 aspects to determine it during the building process. Who knows if thy would be able to integrate 8? 16? 30? Sometimes,  find it hard to catch a true emotion through text. Sarcasm especially is an aspect of the human conversation which is usually extremely hard to understand


1 comment:

  1. I agree with your comment of Facebook. I can see them adding a feature like this. MySpace already has the "Mood" option but nowhere nearly as complex as this.
