Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Paper Reading #12

Shena Hoffmann
Jessica Gonzales

Refrence Information
Title - D-Macs: building multi-device user interfaces by demonstrating, sharing, and replaying design actions
Authors -Jan Meskens, Kris Luyten, Karin Coninx
UIST 2010

    The main content of this paper deals with s system called Design tools Macros or D-macs.  The idea behind it is to some how inegrate applications across multiple devices. This system in a GUI that allows for actions to be completed over various devices. This actions can be seem from several other designers. Also, multiple platforms are supported with D-macs. Using phones, devices, tablets, etc.This sytems allows designers, with small knowledge of languages to develop designs. The designers will work mostly with visual designs for muliple platforms. The design sequence is saved by D-Macs to be created later.

   I reallly enjoyed reading this article on D-Macs. It  was interesting to look at the capabilites and applications. I like the idea that users don't have to be programming experts to use the system. This will allow for a wide range of users. Also, I could see how this would be applicable in a large business. These users will have all sorts of phones and devices so it could cut back on providing company phones as well.


  1. I agree this is a useful idea. Though I would have liked to seen some details on studies with actual designers.

  2. Definitely useful. I think that we are moving towards a more intuitive, user-friendly world.
