Monday, January 24, 2011

Paper Reading #2: Personal Project Planner (Planz)


Reference Information
    Title - Planz to put our digital information in its place
    Authors  - William Jones, Dawei Hou, Bhuricha Deen Sethanandha, Sheng Bi, Jim Gemmell

    This article is about the concept of the  Personal Project Planner or Planz. The idea behind this system is to integrate e-mails, documents, websites, and much more into a functional document. Driven by XML, all of those useful items will have easy access to its users. Two features of Planz are : “Drag & link” and "In-context create." The user will be able to simply drag a document to, or even create a document through the Planz concept. Also, HTML documents will be easily edited using Plans. A document will be able to be stored as a HTML, E-mail, or a Text document.

    I really enjoyed reading this article. I feel that the author did an outstanding job of explaining the more important features that Planz has to offer. There is probably so much more that could be added to its list of capabilities in the near future. I really like the idea of having all documents accessible thought one source. This way it't not a hassle to switch from browser to text editor to folder service. I also like the idea of being able to search for all of those through the Planz idea. I'm sure there will be some kinks to be worked out, just with any new technology but I'm sure this could become something people use in every day life.


  1. I agree with your discussion that the author did a very good job of explaining many of the features in Planz. When I was reading the article, I felt as if it could be a program that I would find to be helpful for my own personal use.

  2. I must admit this is an interesting idea, but I've always liked making my own folders and directories. Would Planz recognize the various categories, or would everything have to be moved to a new location?

  3. I agree, it looks like something that could be usable in everyday life after a bit more development. I also agree with Patrick about making my own directories.... from what I gathered from using Planz for a few minutes, it didn't make any attempts to recognize existing directories or anything created outside of its designated folder.

  4. I agree with you on that it seems less of a hassle and more effective way to manage and create documents. It was interesting to look into this project on their website.
