Chris Kam
Patrick Firth
Reference Information
Title: Supporting exploratory information seeking by epistemology-based social search
Author(s) Yuqing Mao, Haifend Shen Chengzheng Sun
IUI 2010
As the title says, this paper deals mostly with searching the web. The authors talked about the EIS or exploratory information seeking. A lot of people don't do correct searches on search engines due to lack of evaluting search results and not using the correct words. The authors proposes a new system that advances users' ability to search online This proposed method allows the user to share it's seaches with others using epstiemology searching. The authors talked about Baija, which was a new system with let user search pages by using querys. After the query runs and is successful it would be placed onto the epistemology. This searches would be comment on and ranked by other users.
I really enjoyed this paper and believe it to be extremely useful. A lot of people out there don't how to to properly search on google or any other search engine for that matter. This seems like it would cut down on alot of wasted time. The concept of ranking searches and then commenting on them seems very cool and interactive to me. I would like to use one of these engines sometime to test it out.
I think Google already does this, when you place a search on Google, whatever link you eventually click increases the relevance of your search term to that result within the engine. This allows other people to find your results, although in a more indirect way.